تعاملات - بدرفتاری و بدرفتاری
اصطلاحات انگلیسی مربوط به بدرفتاری و رفتار نادرست را کاوش کنید، از جمله "تحسین پشت سر" و "بازی سریع و آزاد با".
to act toward a person or thing without enough care, seriousness, or sense of responsibility
به بازی گرفتن, به سخره گرفتن
to make problems for something or have a negative effect on it
پیچیده کردن چیزها, تأثیر منفی گذاشتن
to not value a person or thing as one should
دستکم گرفتن, ارزش کافی قائل نشدن، کمارزش گماشتن
to put the blame on the person who brings bad news and assume they are responsible for it
خبرآور را مقصر ماجرا دانستن
to not care about someone at all or have absolutely no respect for them
کسی را آدم حساب نکردن, برای کسی ارزش و احترامی قائل نبودن
to treat a person poorly by taking advantage of them or ignoring their needs and feelings
از کسی سوءاستفاده کردن, سوار کسی شدن (استعاری)
to look at a person in a way that shows one hates them or is very angry with them
به کسی خشمگینانه نگاه کردن, به کسی چپچپ نگاه کردن
a comment that seemingly praises someone but is actually intended to insult them
تعریف طعنهآمیز, تعریفوتمجید دوپهلو
to seriously affect or harm someone or something, usually resulting in negative consequences
آسیب رساندن, شرمنده کردن، صدمه زدن
to betray someone or cause them harm on purpose, especially when they do not expect it
به کسی نارو زدن, با کسی ناحقی کردن، به کسی بدی کردن
to pass a responsibility, task, or problem to someone else without addressing or resolving it oneself
کاری را از سر خود باز کردن
to stop someone from complaining or protesting by offering them something that is not of very high value or importance
دهان کسی را بستن (استعاری)
to tell a person to leave immediately in a forceful manner
کسی را از جایی بیرون کردن
to refuse to help someone when they need it the most
پشت کسی را خالی کردن, کس را تنها گذاشتن
to be left in a difficult or embarrassing situation, often without any support or assistance
دست کسی را در پوست گردو گذاشتن
to exclude or neglect someone, often intentionally, from a group or activity
آدم حساب نکردن, نادیده گرفتن