
تعاملات - تمسخر و تمسخر

به اصطلاحات انگلیسی در مورد تمسخر و تمسخر، مانند "خنده دار" و "مسخره کردن" مسلط شوید.







شروع یادگیری
English idioms related to Interactions
to make a monkey (out) of sb

to do something that makes a person appear foolish in front of others

کسی را سکه یک پول کردن

کسی را سکه یک پول کردن

to poke fun at sb/sth

to make fun of a person or thing in order to make them look silly

مسخره کردن

مسخره کردن

to take the mick out of sb

to tease a person by copying what they do, trick them into believing something, etc., often in a way that is not friendly

سربه‌سر کسی گذاشتن

سربه‌سر کسی گذاشتن

laughing stock

a person or thing so silly or ridiculous that everyone makes fun of

سوژه خنده

سوژه خنده

at one's expense

(particularly of a joke) in a way that causes harm to someone or makes them embarrassed

از طریق سوژه کردن کسی

از طریق سوژه کردن کسی

to make a crack

to offer a humorous or witty comment, often with the aim of ridiculing disrespecting someone or something

کنایه زدن

کنایه زدن

to break one's stones

to persistently and relentlessly bother, tease, or annoy someone, often in a playful or mocking manner

کسی را دست انداختن

کسی را دست انداختن

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