Inflytande och Delaktighet - Förändra
Upptäck hur engelska idiom som "kom med programmet" och "vänd på ett nytt blad" relaterar till förändring på engelska.
in the same situation for such a long time that it is no longer appealing
i tillståndet av stagnation
to reach a significant stage in development and become accepted by the majority of people
mycket betydande
a complete or notable change compared to what the situation originally was
fullständig förändring
someone who only tends to stay at a place, particularly a house, for a relatively short period of time before moving on to another
någon som inte har ett hus att bosätta sig i
a combination of both good things and bad things that can happen to one
bra och dåliga tider i livet
to allow another person to continue one's work or to take care of one's responsibilities
anförtro ett ansvar till någon
something that becomes so familiar to someone that it can be done without thinking
något som är noggrant memorerat
to make changes to one's behavior or mindset in order to become a better and more responsible person
ändra sitt beteende eller tankesätt
to put a stop to one's habit, particularly one that is harmful or dangerous
bryta vanan
a situation or experience that involves significant ups and downs, sudden changes, or intense shifts in emotions, circumstances, or events
ständiga förändringar i situationen
to fundamentally transform something, often with far-reaching consequence
förändra något helt
to stay the same despite time and progress in society, technology, or culture
när något förblir oförändrat
to let go of outdated practices or beliefs and embrace changes
när någon är villig att acceptera förändringar
something that is changing all the time and cannot be easily predicted
instabil situation
(especially of prices) to increase suddenly and dramatically
när priserna ökar dramatiskt
to experience a sudden and significant decline in one's emotional state, confidence, financial situation, etc.
när något minskar dramatiskt
to not interfere with or try to improve something that is already satisfactory or functioning well
lämna tillräckligt bra