a large tropical fruit with a sweet fleshy pulp, which is mainly American

鲜奶油苹果, 安诺那

a large fruit with a hard shell and edible white flesh inside containing a milky liquid


a tropical fruit with a sweet and caramel-like flavor, known for its grainy texture and brown, rough outer skin

番石榴, 奇克

a tropical fruit native to West Africa, known for its bright red exterior and creamy yellow flesh


a tropical fruit known for its bright yellow color, smooth texture, and sweet, custard-like flavor


a tropical fruit known for its creamy, custard-like flesh and sweet, tropical flavor


a tropical fruit with a spiky green exterior, creamy flesh, and a sweet, custard-like taste


a yellow or green tropical fruit with a juicy pulp that looks like a star when sliced

星果, 杨桃

a North American fruit oblong in shape and green in color that has an edible yellow flesh

木瓜, 巴巴果

a sweet large and tropical fruit that has brown skin, pointy leaves, and yellow flesh which is very juicy


a very large edible fruit of the fig family that grows in tropical areas, especially in India

菠萝蜜, 榴莲果

a round red tropical fruit native to china, with a sweet white flesh, rough skin and a large seed


a dark purplish fruit with white flesh that is segmented and very juicy, growing in tropical regions


a type of tropical fruit whose skin is purple in color and has many seeds within, native to South America

百香果, 热情果

a round fruit with a thick red skin, containing many red edible seeds that are of sour or sweet taste


a red tropical fruit with a slightly acidic taste, covered with soft spines, originally growing in Southeast Asia

红毛丹, 毛龙果

a tropical fruit with a creamy, custard-like flesh and a sweet, delightful flavor

糖苹果, 鳄梨果

a fruit native to South America that has a yellow-green skin, a soft, juicy texture, and a sweet flavor similar to a combination of pineapple and mango
