
Ingredientes de Alimentos - legumbres

Aquí aprenderás los nombres de diferentes legumbres en inglés como "chickpea", "soybean" y "lentil".




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Words Related to Food Ingredients

a round yellowish seed that resembles a pea, used in cooking




a type of edible legume characterized by its round shape and nutty flavor

garbanzo, chícharo

garbanzo, chícharo

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the small, triangular nut produced by the beech tree, known for its smooth outer shell and delicate, edible kernel

bala de haya, nuez de haya

bala de haya, nuez de haya

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pigeon pea

a legume with edible seeds, commonly used in various culinary dishes, known for its mild flavor and nutritional valuet

gandule, arveja de paloma

gandule, arveja de paloma

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a type of plant in the legume family that is high in protein and used in a variety of foods such as tofu and soy milk

soja, frijol de soya

soja, frijol de soya

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lima bean

a large, flat legume with a creamy texture and mild, buttery flavor

haba, frijol lima

haba, frijol lima

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a seed growing in long pods on a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable

alubia, frijol

alubia, frijol

moth bean

a small, drought-tolerant legume known for its nutty flavor and nutritional value

frijol polilla, judía polilla

frijol polilla, judía polilla

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adzuki bean

a small, reddish-brown legume known for its slightly sweet flavor and versatile use in both savory and sweet dishes

frijol adzuki, judía adzuki

frijol adzuki, judía adzuki

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mung bean

a small, green legume with a tender texture and a slightly nutty flavor

frijol mungo, haba mungo

frijol mungo, haba mungo

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a small, round, and often dried seed that is high in protein and is used for cooking soups, stews, etc.



fava bean

a large, flat legume with a buttery texture and a slightly earthy flavor

haba, frijol habero

haba, frijol habero

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broad bean

a large flat bean that is green in color and comes in a pod, eaten raw or cooked



asparagus bean

a long and slender legume that resembles asparagus in appearance and taste

frijol espárrago, judía espárrago

frijol espárrago, judía espárrago

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black-eyed pea

a legume with a distinctive cream-colored skin and a small black mark resembling an eye

frijol de ojo negro, judía de ojo negro

frijol de ojo negro, judía de ojo negro

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a long brown edible pod with a sweet chocolatey flavor that grows on a small evergreen tree




a legume with a cream-colored skin and a kidney-shaped appearance

frijol de carita, judía de ojo negro

frijol de carita, judía de ojo negro

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kidney bean

a variety of legume with a distinctive kidney shape and a robust, nutty flavor

frijol rojo, judía riñón

frijol rojo, judía riñón

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pinto bean

a variety of legume with a speckled appearance and a creamy texture when cooked

frijol pinto, judía pinto

frijol pinto, judía pinto

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a type of legume derived from dried peas that have been split in half for cooking purposes

guisante partido

guisante partido

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a tropical seed pod that bears very acidic and brown fruits, used in Asian cuisine



winged bean

a legume with edible pods that have distinctive wing-like protrusions along their length

frijol alado, judía alada

frijol alado, judía alada

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snap pea

a variety of edible pod pea that can be eaten whole, including the crunchy and sweet pod along with the peas inside

guisante dulce, guisante chóndal

guisante dulce, guisante chóndal

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black bean

a small, shiny, and black-colored bean that has a somewhat oval shape and is commonly used in Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine

frijol negro, judía negra

frijol negro, judía negra

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white bean

a variety of legume with creamy-colored seeds that have a mild flavor and a smooth, buttery texture

frijol blanco, judía blanca

frijol blanco, judía blanca

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navy bean

a small, white legume commonly used in soups, stews, and baked bean dishes

frijol navy, frijol blanco

frijol navy, frijol blanco

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cranberry bean

a legume with a red and white shell, prized for its creamy texture and nutty taste in culinary applications

frijol cranberries, judía cranberrie

frijol cranberries, judía cranberrie

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turtle bean

a small, black bean with a dense and meaty texture, commonly used in Latin American cuisine

frijol tortuga, judía tortuga

frijol tortuga, judía tortuga

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the edible seeds of some plants such as peas, lentils, etc.



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