食べ物と飲み物 - プリンとカスタード
a dessert that is made with whole milk, sugar, cream, gelatin and grains such as rice

ミルクプリン, 牛乳プリン

a deep-dish apple pudding with spices which is covered with a mixture of milk, butter, and eggs

アップルパイ, アップルプディング

a hot dessert like a sponge cake that usually has jam or fruit on top

スポンジプディング, スポンジケーキ

a cold sweet dish made with slices of bread and soft summer fruits

夏のプディング, 夏の果物のプディング

a boiled pudding made with flour, suet and dried fruit, traditionally eaten at Christmas in England and Ireland

クリスマスプディング, ドライフルーツプディング

a dessert made with layers of bread and butter, topped with dried fruit and cooked in a mixture of milk and eggs

ブレッドバタープディング, パンとバターのプディング

a bread-based dessert consisting of stale bread crumbs dipped in milk or cream and baked

パンプディング, ブレッドプディング

an English molded pudding containing raisins or other dried fruits that is steamed and cooked

キャビネットプディング, イギリス式の型抜きプディング

a British dessert made with a sweet shortcrust pastry base, a layer of jam, and an almond-flavored sponge filling, often served with custard or cream

ベイクウェルプディング, ベイクウェルタルト

a sweet and creamy dessert made with tapioca pearls, milk, sugar, and often flavored with vanilla or other flavorings

タピオカプディング, タピオカデザート

a classic French dessert consisting of poached meringue floating on a bed of crème anglaise (custard) and topped with caramel or other sweet sauces

フロートアイランド, メレンゲの島

a sweet pastry dessert consisting of layers of puff pastry filled with a thick vanilla custard and topped with a layer of sweet icing or fondant

バニラスライス, ミルフィーユ

a traditional British dessert that consists of a steamed suet pudding that is studded with currants or raisins

レーズン入りスチームプディング, 伝統的なイギリスのデザート

a classic French dessert that consists of a custard-like pudding that is topped with a layer of caramelized sugar


a dessert with a soft texture that is made with milk, rice flour, gelatin, fruits and nuts, especially almonds, which is formed in a mold

ブランマンジェ, デザート

a type of pastry that is baked and often served with roast beef and gravy as part of a British meal

ヨークシャープディング, ヨークシャーのプディング

a dessert that is made from a sweetened, flavored, and thickened cream or milk, and is often served with fruit or whipped cream

フラマリー, クリームデザート

a dense, sweet confection that originated in the Middle East, made with a base of sesame paste or flour, sugar or honey and sometimes other flavorings

ハルヴァ, ハルワ

a sweet, creamy dessert made from milk, sugar, and rennet, a natural enzyme that thickens the mixture and gives it a custard-like texture

ジャンケット, クリーミーなデザート

a sweet and sticky South African dessert made with a sponge cake base, sweet apricot jam, and a hot cream sauce that is poured over the cake after baking

マルヴァプディング, マルヴァケーキ

an Italian dessert that consists of a frothy mixture of egg yolks, sugar, and sweet wine, often served warm or chilled
