Gedrag en Benadering - Aandacht betalen of krijgen
Ontdek Engelse idiomen die betrekking hebben op het betalen of krijgen van aandacht met voorbeelden als 'wees één en al oor' en 'betreed het podium'.
to hear a pin drop
to be able to hear even the quietest of sounds due to the environment being extremely silent
to strut one's stuff
to confidently put one's best skills, abilities, or features on display in order to impress or show off
eagle eye
the skill to notice details and make great observations

arendsoog, scherp oog

[zelfstandig naamwoord]
to keep one's ear (close) to the ground
to make an effort to stay well informed on the developments or changes of a situation
to lend somebody one's ear
to listen to a person or thing in an attentive or sympathetic way
to take the stage
to attract the attention of other people, often in a way that causes other people or things less noticeable

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