アカデミック IELTS (バンド 5 以下) - 言語と文法
ここでは、Basic Academic IELTS試験に必要な言語と文法に関連する英単語を学びます。
a group of words that forms a statement, question, exclamation, or instruction, usually containing a verb

文, センテンス

the study or use of words and the way they are put together or changed to make sentences


(grammar) any type of determiner that shows whether we are referring to a particular thing or a general example of something

定冠詞, 不定冠詞

(grammar) a word that comes before a noun or pronoun to indicate location, direction, time, manner, or the relationship between two objects


(grammar) a form of the verb that indicates the time or duration of the action or state of the verb

時制, 緊張

a group of words or a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal interpretation of its individual words, often specific to a particular language or culture

イディオム, 熟語

(grammar) any of the grammatical classes that words are categorized into, based on their usage in a sentence
the use of marks such as a period, comma, etc. in writing to divide sentences and phrases to better convey meaning


(grammar) the form of a verb that indicates whether the subject does something or something is done to it

態 (文法), 能動態/受動態

the process of changing written or spoken words from one language to another while maintaining the same meaning


a book or electronic resource that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings, or gives the equivalent words in a different language


a word or phrase that has an opposite or contrasting meaning to another word or phrase
