
Pewność i Możliwość - Szczęście i szansa

Zanurz się w angielskich idiomach dotyczących szczęścia i przypadku, takich jak „złap sobie przerwę” i „odpukaj do drewna”.







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English idioms related to Certainty & Possibility
lucky Devil

used to describe a person who is considered lucky

szczęśliwy diabeł, diabeł szczęścia

szczęśliwy diabeł, diabeł szczęścia

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one's luck is in

used to emphasize how lucky a person is or how successful they are

story of one's life

used to say that it is typical of a person to experience an unfortunate event

just my luck

used to say that one is used to something bad happening to one, due to having bad luck

to po prostu moje szczęście!, taka jest moja pechowa sytuacja!

to po prostu moje szczęście!, taka jest moja pechowa sytuacja!

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knock on wood

said after a positive statement to hypothetically assure the continuation of good luck

stuknij w drewno, puknij w drewno

stuknij w drewno, puknij w drewno

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the luck of the draw

something that solely depends on chance

to take pot luck

to try to do or achieve something knowing that one might not succeed

to fly by the seat of one's pants

to do something by solely relying on one's instincts, due to a lack of proper knowledge or experience

to catch a break

to experience some luck

to strike gold

to have great success with something, particularly something that brings one a lot of money

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