Wykrzykniki - Wyrazy żalu i współczucia
Tych wykrzykników używa się, gdy mówiący chce wyrazić smutek z powodu własnego nieszczęścia lub współczucie z powodu nieszczęścia kogoś innego.
used to express sorrow, pain, lamentation, or sympathy
Aj! Nie mogę uwierzyć
used to express sorrow, regret, or disappointment over an unfortunate situation or outcome
used to convey sorrow, sympathy, concern, or disappointment in response to a situation or outcome
o rany
used to convey disappointment or the absence of good fortune or success in a particular situation
Nie ma takiego szczęścia
used to convey sympathy or commiseration with someone who has experienced a setback, disappointment, or unfortunate circumstance
Co za pech
used to convey sympathy or understanding in response to someone's difficult or unfortunate situation
used to console or comfort someone who is upset or distressed
used to express sympathy, compassion, or empathy towards someone who is experiencing difficulty, distress, or misfortune
used to express disappointment, regret, or sympathy regarding an unfortunate event or situation
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