Cartea Headway - Intermediar avansat - Unitatea 12
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 12 din manualul de curs Headway Upper Intermediate, cum ar fi „cushy”, „digest”, „aparent”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
to need a significant amount of time to be able to happen, be completed, or achieved
used to tell someone to change their life style and start doing more exciting or important things
to spend or use time in a way that does not achieve anything or have a particular goal
used to express that after failing twice, one is bound to succeed on the third try

la a treia încercare va fi noroc, a treia oară noroc

used in a situation when there is only a little time to do something and one must be careful not to waste any of it
to express strongly and confidently that something is undoubtedly true or will certainly happen
used to encourage someone who has just missed an opportunity or failed to succeed in a particular field

Mai mult noroc data viitoare!, Sper să ai mai mult noroc data viitoare!

another chance for someone to become more healthy, energetic, or adopting a more optimistic view on life
for a limited period, usually until a certain condition changes

deocamdată, pentru moment

to remain strong, valuable, or effective over a long period, despite changes or challenges
only a few moments before it is still possible to get something done or avoid something bad from happening

în ultima clipă, înainte de a fi prea târziu

to be willing to do whatever it takes to avoid trouble or conflict and have a peaceful and stress-free existence
used to say that it is typical of a person to experience an unfortunate event
to be in or to get oneself into a situation that may result in an unpleasant or dangerous outcome
a careful and systematic study of a subject to discover new facts or information about it

cercetare, studiu

to consider something when trying to make a judgment or decision
a dangerous condition in which a person loses consciousness as a result of a blood vessel breaking open or becoming blocked in their brain, which could kill or paralyze a part of their body

accident vascular cerebral, ictus cerebral

to break down food in the body and to absorb its nutrients and necessary substances

digera, absorbi

to make two or more strangers get comfortable with each other and engage in a conversation
to be able to take care of oneself without needing any assistance from others
to act accordingly to someone or something's advice, commands, or instructions

a urma, a supune

to remove oneself from social interaction or avoid contact with others

a se retrage, a evita contactul

used to express acceptance or resignation to the way things are, particularly when faced with an unpleasant or difficult situation
used to show one's confidence in dealing with another person's behavior and using it to their disadvantage
used to refer to every number, part, amount of something or a particular group

toate, fiecare

used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately

fiecare, fiecare dintre

used to refer to a number of things or people, more than two but not many

câteva, mai multe

to become interested or enthusiastic about something, often to the point of obsession
to experience the sudden, surprising, and overwhelming impact of something, that catches someone off guard and leaves them feeling stunned or overwhelmed
used to express relief that something has finally happened, after a long delay or period of waiting
at any convenient or available time, without the need for careful planning or scheduling
used to indicate satisfaction or approval with a change or improvement in a situation
used to express surprise, disbelief, or amazement about something that has just been said or observed

Ce surpriză!, Nu-mi vine să cred!

used to refer nostalgically to a past time or era, often implying that the time being referred to was a better or more enjoyable time
used to indicate that there is nothing more to say or do about a particular matter
used to say that unfortunate or unexpected events sometimes occur and that it is a natural part of life to experience them
used to say that difficult or challenging situations are a natural part of life and are meant to test our strength and resilience
to stop talking about or discussing something, especially when there is no need for further elaboration or action
used to ask for someone's opinion or reaction to a particular idea, proposal, or suggestion
used to encourage or praise someone for their positive attitude or determination in a difficult or challenging situation
to have an intuition or a premonition about something without any logical or rational explanation
to reach a conclusion or make a choice after careful consideration and evaluation of various options or possibilities

ajunge la, veni la