a means of transportation that is used by a passenger after getting off a previous one to continue their journey

连接, 转乘

the process or act of controlling and directing the aircrafts during their flight which happens in the control tower using radio

航空交通管制, 空中交通管理

the group of people whose job is looking after the passengers on an aircraft

机组人员, 客舱乘务员

luggage that weighs more than the amount each passenger is allowed on a flight without paying extra money

超重行李, 额外行李

the tallest building at an airport from which aircraft's movements are controlled

控制塔, 指挥塔

to choose the direction of and guide a vehicle, ship, etc., especially by using a map

导航, 引导

the confusion and tiredness one can experience after a long flight, particularly when rapidly traveling across multiple time zones

时差反应, 时差疲劳

a card that a passenger on a ship or airplane fills in with their personal information and then gives to officials upon arrival

入境卡, 落地卡

a ticket or card that passengers must show to be allowed on a ship or plane

登机牌, 登机通行证

the area at an airport where passengers can collect their cases, bags, etc. after they land

行李提取, 行李领取区

a ticket with which a passenger can continue their journey on another means of transportation

转乘, 转移

goods carried by aircraft, trains, trucks, or ships; the transportation of goods using this method

货物, 托运

a sign that provides information such as the distance to a certain place or its direction, usually found at the side of a road

路标, 指示牌