
معرفة وفهم - Realization

استكشف المصطلحات الإنجليزية التي تتعلق بالإدراك، بما في ذلك "تعال إلى النور" و"ضع اثنين واثنين معًا".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English idioms related to Knowledge & Understanding
to bring sth to light

to clarify or supply additional information on something

الكشف عن شيء ما للآخرين

الكشف عن شيء ما للآخرين

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to come home to sb

to become completely clear and easily understood

أصبح واضحا أو واضحا

أصبح واضحا أو واضحا

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to come to light

to finally become known or revealed after a period of secrecy

أصبح مكشوفا

أصبح مكشوفا

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to get wind of sth

to become aware of a piece of information that has been long kept a secret

أن تصبح على علم بشيء ما

أن تصبح على علم بشيء ما

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to open one's eyes to sth

to realize something important, particularly something that one was neglecting

إدراك شيء مهم

إدراك شيء مهم

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to throw light on sth

to provide someone with information about something ambiguous to make it easier to understand

جعل شيئا واضحا

جعل شيئا واضحا

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to put a bug in one's ear

to provide someone with a hint or suggestion

إعطاء شخص ما تلميحا أو اقتراحا

إعطاء شخص ما تلميحا أو اقتراحا

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to hit home sth

to make others understand or accept something, particularly by keep repeating it

إجبار شخص ما على فهم شيء ما

إجبار شخص ما على فهم شيء ما

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to bring sth home to sb

to make something deeply understood or realized by presenting it in a relatable and impactful way

يتردد صداها مع شخص ما

يتردد صداها مع شخص ما

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to fall into place

to start to have a clear meaning

تقع في مكان

تقع في مكان

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to put two and two together

to evaluate the situation and all its possible outcomes in order to draw a conclusion

التوصل إلى نتيجة منطقية

التوصل إلى نتيجة منطقية

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to see the light

to begin to understand or realize something after a long period of ignorance or doubt

تحقيق الحقيقة

تحقيق الحقيقة

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to take a look in the mirror

to reflect on one's actions so as to accept one's flaws and shortcomings

التفكير في تصرفات المرء الماضية

التفكير في تصرفات المرء الماضية

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to see sb/sth in a new light

to see people or things through a different perspective

النظر إلى شيء ما من منظور جديد

النظر إلى شيء ما من منظور جديد

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to talk (some) sense into sb

to convince someone to think or behave in a more rational, reasonable, or sensible manner, often through logical arguments

إقناع شخص ما

إقناع شخص ما

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to knock (some) sense into sb

to attempt to make someone understand something, often forcefully or through persuasion

ضرب بعض المعنى في شخص ما

ضرب بعض المعنى في شخص ما

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to get the picture

to fully comprehend a situation

أخيرا فهم شيء ما

أخيرا فهم شيء ما

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the penny drop

used to say that a person has finally understood or realized something

انخفاض قرش

انخفاض قرش

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to take sth the wrong way

to fail to understand something incorrectly, often leading to offense

القدرة على فهم شيء ما

القدرة على فهم شيء ما

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