Pokročilá Slovní Zásoba pro TOEFL - Tvary
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o tvarech, jako je "diagonal", "prism", "oval" atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce TOEFL.
(geometry) a lack of symmetry or equivalence in shape or size between the two sides or parts of something


connected with the branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between lines, angles and surfaces


(of a straight line) joining opposite corners of a flat shape at an angle

diagonální, diagonální

a curved shape with narrow points at the ends that appears wider in the middle, like the shape of the moon in its first and last quarters

půlměsíc, crescens

(geometry) an arbitrary straight line that passes through the center of a symmetrical object or around which an object spins


(geometry) a solid or hollow shape with two circular bases at each end and straight parallel sides


(geometry) a solid figure with flat sides and two parallel ends of the same size and shape


a rectangular figure that has unequal adjacent sides with arched angles

oblong,prodloužený obdélník, round-edged rectangle

(geometry) a shape that consists of a line alternating its direction to left and right

zákruta, zákruta (v geometrii)

(geometry) a line curved on a conical or cylindrical surface, like a spiral staircase in shape

helix, spirála

(geometry) a closed shape with six straight sides and six angles


(geometry) a polygon consisting of eight straight sides and eight angles


(geometry) a flat shape with four equal sides in which opposite angles are equal

romb, kosočtverec

(geometry) a parallelogram with four straight sides and no right angles
