Vocabulario Avanzado para el TOEFL - Arquitectura
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre arquitectura, como "erect", "renovate", "lumber", etc. que se necesitan para el examen TOEFL.
Tarjetas de memoria
relating to the study or art of constructing or designing a building

a gray powdery substance that becomes hard if it is mixed with water and sand, used for construction purposes such as sticking bricks of a wall together

wood that has been cut into specific pieces to be used for building purposes

a substance that is a mixture of sand, cement, and water, used for fixing bricks and stones in a building

a material with a soft texture that is a combination of sand, water, and lime which is used to cover walls and ceilings to smooth their surface

a structure consisting of metal poles with wooden planks on them that are put against a building so that workers can climb it or stand on it while constructing the building

to strengthen a substance or structure, particularly by adding extra material to it

to make a building or a place look good again by repairing or painting it

renovar, reformar
a hard layer of cement, stone, etc. that serves as the underground support of a building

a detailed plan or design, typically technical or architectural, that outlines the dimensions, materials, and specifications for construction or production

cianotipo, plano
to completely destroy or to knock down a building or another structure

demoler, derribar
a heavy metal ball hanging from a crane that is struck against a building to destroy it

bola de demolición
a large, powerful vehicle with a wide steel blade at its front that is used to destroy buildings or move earth

the front of a building, particularly one that is large and has an elegant appearance

the skilled trade or craft of working with stone, bricks, or other masonry materials to construct buildings, walls, or other structures

a curved symmetrical structure that supports the weight above it, used in bridges or buildings

a flat paved area, particularly one next to a building or restaurant, where people can sit, eat, relax, etc.

a large building or hall where people are gathered to attend a concert, public speech, play, etc.

an open building that is round or oval in shape and has a space in the middle surrounded by several seats, originated in ancient Roman and Greek architecture used for public entertainments such as sports or drama

(architecture) used to describe the building style prevalent in Western Europe in the 12th-16th centuries, whose characteristics are high ceilings, tall pillars, pointed windows and arches that are mostly made of stone

of characteristics of a highly ornate and detailed style in European art, architecture, or music from the 17th to early 18th century

reflecting the architectural or decorative style that was common in America during the 18th century, particularly the period it was under British rule
