حمل و نقل زمینی - Infrastructure
در اینجا با برخی از کلمات انگلیسی مرتبط با زیرساخت مانند "جاده"، "تونل" و "پل" آشنا می شوید.
املای کلمه
a road owned and maintained by a private individual or organization

راه خصوصی, کوچه خصوصی

a road designed with grooves or ridges that produce musical sounds when driven over at a specific speed

جاده موسیقی, راه موسیقی

a wide and important public road that connects different places and is usually designed to handle heavy traffic

جاده اصلی
a secondary road or path designed to help manage traffic flow by providing alternative routes to the main roads

جاده جنبی, مسیر کمکی

a road maintained by the state government, typically connecting cities and towns within the state

جاده دولتی, راه ایالتی

a controlled-access highway that has no intersections or cross-traffic and is designed for high-speed travel

a wide road that is designed for both high-speed car traffic and for walking or biking, but does not do either very well

خیابان عریض, استرود

a gently sloping pathway that connects a lower or higher level, designed to facilitate the smooth entry to or exit from a main road or highway


a longer path taken to enjoy beautiful views or interesting sights along the way

مسیر دیدنی, جاده خوشمنظره

a scenic road designed for leisurely driving, often with landscaped surroundings

جادهٔ منظره, پارکوی

a road where drivers must pay a fee to use, often to fund maintenance and improvements

جاده عوارضی, راه با عوارض

a type of street designed to gather traffic from local neighborhoods and distribute it to larger roads or highways

جاده جمعکننده, خیابان جمعکننده

a road or pathway that links two or more places together, facilitating travel and transportation

اتصال, پیوند

a structure built over a river, road, etc. that enables people or vehicles to go from one side to the other

a structure built to allow pedestrians or vehicles to cross over a road, railway, or river

پل عابر پیاده, پل بالایی

an underground tunnel or path that people can use to cross a road, railway, etc.

a bridge that can be pulled up in order to control the entrance or passage by people or ships

پل متحرک
a type of movable bridge that can be raised and lowered to allow for the passage of water traffic

پل متحرک, پل لنگر

a road or bridge constructed over another road or railway line, allowing vehicles to pass over or cross without interference

پل هوایی
a long, elevated structure that carries a railway or road across a valley or river, typically held up by a series of arches

پل راهآهن, پل درهگذر
a road or pathway that typically runs along a coast, offering scenic views of the sea and surroundings


a passage dug through or under a mountain or a structure, typically for cars, trains, people, etc.

the track or line on which an electric vehicle called a tram moves

خط واگن برقی, خط تراموا
a secondary or lesser-used road or path that diverges from a main road or path

انحراف, شاخه

a major highway, typically with a gate where travelers pay a fee for use

بزرگراه, بزرگراه پرداختی

a smaller channel or stream that flows into a larger body of water, particularly used in reference to canals or water distribution systems

رودخانه فرعی, کانال تغذیه

an area along a highway or freeway with facilities for travelers to rest, eat, and use restroom facilities

منطقه استراحت, مکانی برای استراحت

a facility along highways where truck drivers can refuel, rest, and eat

ایستگاه کامیون, عوارضی کامیون

the situation where multiple roads or routes run parallel or alongside each other

همزمانی, هممسیر

a covered opening in a roadway or street used for access to underground utilities

پوشش فاضلاب, دریچه