
کار و پول - خرج کردن یا پس انداز کردن پول

اصطلاحات انگلیسی مربوط به خرج کردن یا پس‌انداز کردن پول را با مثال‌هایی مانند «بیشتر پول نسبت به عقل دارند» و «با اردک بازی کن» کاوش کنید.







شروع یادگیری
English idioms related to Work & Money
to tighten one's belt

to lessen the amount of money or resources one uses compared to before, particularly due to having less available

با صرفه جویی زندگی کردن

با صرفه جویی زندگی کردن

to stretch one's legs according to the coverlet

to avoid spending more money than what one earns

به اندازه جیب خود خرج کردن

به اندازه جیب خود خرج کردن

to stretch one's arm no further than one's sleeve (will reach)

The origin of this idiom is not clear, but it likely developed from the idea of being cautious and not overreaching or attempting more than one can handle.

به اندازه جیب خود خرج کردن

به اندازه جیب خود خرج کردن

to throw good money after bad

to continue to waste a lot of money on something that is not worth it

آفتابه خرج لحیم کردن

آفتابه خرج لحیم کردن

black hole

a project, activity, business, etc. that uses a lot of money or resources without providing any results or profit



to have more money than sense

to possess a significant amount of wealth but lack good judgment or wisdom in managing it

ولخرج بودن

ولخرج بودن

to live beyond one's means

to spend in a way that exceeds one's income

بیشتر از وسع خود خرج کردن

بیشتر از وسع خود خرج کردن

to live within one's means

to spend no more money than one has

کنترل‌شده خرج کردن

کنترل‌شده خرج کردن

to burn a hole in one's pocket

to have a strong desire to spend money quickly or impulsively, often resulting in reckless spending habits

پول در جیب کسی بند نشدن

پول در جیب کسی بند نشدن

to throw money out (of) the window

to wastefully and recklessly spend money

ولخرجی کردن

ولخرجی کردن

to spend money like water

to carelessly spend a great sum of money

مثل ریگ پول خرج کردن

مثل ریگ پول خرج کردن

to play ducks and drakes with sth

to use or handle something in a wasteful and careless manner

حیف و میل کردن

حیف و میل کردن

nest egg

money that is put aside as savings for the future or special occasions



high roller

someone that spends money in an extravagant way

فرد ولخرج

فرد ولخرج

to cut one's coat according to one's cloth

to live in a way that does not exceed one's financial limitations

حساب دخل‌وخرج خود را داشتن

حساب دخل‌وخرج خود را داشتن

to have money to burn

to have more money than one needs and waste it on unnecessary things

بی پروا خرج کردن

بی پروا خرج کردن

money pit

used to refer to something on which one keeps spending more and more money

چیز هزینه‌بر

چیز هزینه‌بر

to scrimp and save

to try to spend as little money as possible

از خرج و مخارج کاستن

از خرج و مخارج کاستن

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