Vocabular pentru IELTS (Academic) - War
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre război, precum „garda”, „arme”, „trupă”, etc., care sunt necesare pentru examenul IELTS.
Fișe de studiu
a place with buildings and facilities for military operations and activities

bază militară, instalație militară

to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction

exploda, a exploda

a group of trained and organized people such as the police, soldiers, etc.

forță, unitate

to give an instruction to someone to do something through one's authority

a ordona, a da o ordină

an object that can physically harm someone or something, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc.

armă, obiect periculos

the branch of the armed forces that operates in the air using fighter aircraft

forțele aeriene, aviația

to give an official order to a person or an animal to perform a particular task

a comanda, a ordona

a military clash between two nations or countries, usually one that lasts long

conflict, ciocnire

to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it

invada, ocupa

the branch of the armed forces that operates at sea using warships, destroyers, etc.

marine, navă militară

a new member of the armed forces or the police who is not yet fully trained

recrut, membru nou

the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power


an injury inflicted to the body especially one that seriously damages the skin or the flesh

rană, leziune

to murder a prominent figure in a sudden attack, usually for political purposes

asasin, ucide

a person who is not a member of or not on active duty in armed forces or the police

civil, cetățean

a war that is between people who are in the same country

război civil, război intern

a state of unfriendly relationship between two states which are not openly at war with each other

război rece

an explosive weapon capable of hitting a target over long distances, which can be controlled remotely

rachetă, proiectil

any object fired or thrown at a person or thing for the purpose of hurting or destroying them

proiectil, missil