Vocabulario Esencial para el TOEFL - El Mundo de la Informática
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre el mundo de la informática, como "hardware", "input", "crash", etc. que se necesitan para el examen TOEFL.
Tarjetas de memoria
the most fundamental software that manages a computer, cell phone, etc., hardware and provides a platform for running applications

sistema operativo
a small device used for storing data or transferring data between electronic devices

memoria flash, memoria USB
to move data or a program from a local storage device into the memory of a computer

(computing) to update a display, internet page, etc. and make the most recent information appear

a computer that gives other computers access to files and information in a network

a large structure of data stored in a computer that makes accessing necessary information easier

base de datos
a movable mark on a computer screen that indicates where the user is working

to improve a machine, computer system, etc. in terms of efficiency, standards, etc.

to move what is being displayed on a computer or smartphone screen up or down to see different parts of it

an instruction that tells a computer to perform a specific task or function

a set of actions done on data by a computer to have a certain result

procesamiento de datos
a field of science that deals with creating programs able to learn or copy human behavior

inteligencia artificial
(computing) a computer program whose task is providing protection against cyber attacks by limiting outside access of data

cortafuegos, firewall
having the ability to protect a system from viruses by finding and destroying them

a branch of artificial intelligence where computers learn how to perform specific operations without previous instructions

aprendizaje automático
an artificial environment generated by a computer that makes the user think what they are seeing or hearing is real, by using a special headphone and a helmet that displays the generated environment

realidad virtual
a specific group of letters, numbers, etc. that one needs to enter in order to access a computer or smartphone

a type of computer memory tasked with temporarily storing data for a quicker access