Vocabular Avansat pentru TOEFL - Preferință, obligație și permisiune
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre preferință, obligație și permisiune, cum ar fi „tabu”, „licit”, etc., care sunt necesare pentru examenul TOEFL.
Fișe de studiu
to specify that something needs to be done or how it should be done, especially as part of an agreement

stipula, specifica

the validity or acceptability of something, especially as legal evidence

admisibilitate, validitate

the power or freedom of making decisions in a particular situation

discreție, libertate de alegere

the privilege of being officially released from an obligation, law, or something that is usually prohibited

dispensă, exonerare

an official order according to which any commercial activity with a particular country is banned

embargou, interdicție comercială

an official exemption that is granted to someone, especially from legal proceedings


one's natural desire and feeling to take a specific action or act in a particular manner

înclinare, tendință

something that is required as a precondition for something else following


a natural inclination to behave in a certain way or exhibit particular characteristics

propensiune, tendință

a topic, term, or action that is forbidden or avoided for religious or cultural reasons

tabu, interdicție

using force or threat to persuade people to do something that they are reluctant to do

coercitiv, obligatoriu

persuasive in a way that captures attention or convinces effectively

convingător, atractiv

having great importance and requiring immediate attention or action

imperativ, urgent