a type of blood sausage made from cooked pork blood, fat, and various grains or fillers


a type of sausage made from finely ground and seasoned pork, beef, or a combination of both

博洛尼亚香肠, 博洛尼亚

a type of cured and spicy Italian sausage, typically made from pork or beef and seasoned with paprika or chili pepper


a type of sausage that is large, spicy, and is served cold in thin slices, originated in Italy

萨拉米, 香肠

a mixture of meat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces and put into a long tube of skin, typically sold raw to be cooked before eating


a type of sausage made from cooked animal blood, typically mixed with fat, meat, and various fillers

血肠, 血肠香肠

a traditional South African sausage made from ground meat and spices, often grilled and served as a popular dish in South African cuisine


a finely ground pork sausage with spices, often encased in casing, used in sandwiches, antipasti, or charcuterie in Italian cuisine

摩尔塔德拉, 摩尔塔德拉香肠

beef that has been cured in a brine solution, typically seasoned with spices and salt

咸牛肉, 腌制牛肉

any meat that is cut into small pieces, pressed into a container such as cans and then served cold

午餐肉, 罐头肉