Academic IELTS (Band 6-7) - Culture and Custom
Here, you will learn some English words related to Culture and Custom that are necessary for the Academic IELTS exam.
a collection of ancient myths, particularly one that belongs to a group of people and their history, etc.
a group within a larger culture that shares distinctive values, norms, and behaviors, often differing from those of the dominant culture
a formal or traditional act performed for a specific purpose, often in religious or cultural ceremonies
an individual's religious or ethnic background that is passed down to them from their ancestors
the way of behaving that is considered to be morally and socially correct and acceptable
a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
a social system in which the father or the eldest male is in charge of the family and his possessions or power are passed to a male heir
the grouping of people into different levels or ranks according to their power or importance within a society or system