قائمة كلمات المستوى C1 - الأطعمة والمكونات
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول الأطعمة والمكونات، مثل "الهليون"، و"الكراث"، و"العدس"، وما إلى ذلك المعدة لمتعلمي المستوى C1.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a round green vegetable with a cluster of thick green leaves that form a bud, used in cooking
a long green vegetable with edible stems, used in cooking or eaten raw
الهليون الصالح للأكل
a plant of the mint family with aromatic leaves that are eaten raw or cooked
a small hollow fruit, typically red or green, etc., used in cooking or eaten raw
الفلفل الحلو
the flower head of a plant from the cabbage family that is white in color and is eaten as a vegetable
a plant with feathery leaves and a round thick stem, used as a vegetable or for adding flavor to food
a thick and spicy root with pale brown color used as a seasoning in cooking, particularly in powder form
a plant of the onion family with layers of green leaves and a white stem, used in cooking
كراث نوع من الثوم
an aromatic plant with curly green leaves, used for garnishing food or in cooking
a root vegetable with creamy flesh and white and purple skin, used in cooking
a small, round, and often dried seed that is high in protein and is used for cooking soups, stews, etc.
food that is made by baking a batter or dough in an oven
السلع المخبوزة
very small pieces of bread, used in cooking especially for coating items of food before frying
دقيق محمص
a sauce made with tomatoes, garlic, onion, vinegar, etc. that is usually served with barbecued food
صلصة الشواء
a piece of fish fillet coated with breadcrumbs and then fried
السمك المغطى بفتات الخبز
a small, dark, and dried grape that does not have seeds, particularly used in cakes
a small yellowish-green or red fruit with a sharp flavor, growing on thorny bushes
عنب الثعلب
a tropical fruit with pink juicy flesh, native to Mexico and Central America
فاكهة الجوافة
a tomato-like fruit with orange skin that is bittersweet in taste
شجرة وفاكهة البرسيمون
a yellow and hard fruit that looks like a pear and has a sweet smell, particularly used for making jam or jelly
فاكهة السفرجل
a type of tropical fruit whose skin is purple in color and has many seeds within, native to South America
زهرة الآلام
a small orange-like fruit with sweet skin and bitter-tasting flesh
برتقال ذهبي
a type of dish made with layers of lasagna topped with meat or vegetables and sauce and then cooked, originated in Italy
a dish of vegetables or meat cooked at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container
يخنة (مع اللحم والخضار)
a sweetened food made from cooked lemons, oranges, etc., used as a spread or filling
المرملاد مربى من قشور الحمضيات
a cold dessert with a smooth fluffy texture and with chocolate, fruit, etc.
a type of flavor that is artificially made or is obtained from the beans of a tropical plant that adds a sweet taste and smell to the food
الونيل نبات إمريكي