a place in the body where two bones meet, enabling one of them to bend or move around

関節, ジョイント

an elastic tissue that supports or connects joints in an infant and turns into skeleton during growth


a transformed cartilaginous structure that has undergone ossification

軟骨骨, 骨化した軟骨構造

(anatomy) a strong band of tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or keeps organs in place

靭帯, 結合組織

a fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between tissues such as bones, tendons, and muscles

滑液包, 滑液嚢

the central part of the skeleton that includes the skull, vertebral column, and ribcage

軸骨格, 中心骨格

a single muscle that is located along the central axis of the body, including the head, neck, and trunk

軸方向の筋肉, 軸筋

a tendon in the leg that attaches the muscles of the calf to the bone of the heel


the bony structure that surrounds and provides protection for a person's or animal's brain


a piece of body tissue that is made tight or relaxed when we want to move a particular part of our body


(anatomy) a muscle that moves a part of the body away from its normal position by contraction


a line of connected bones going down from your neck to tail bone in the middle of the back

背骨, 脊柱

the large muscle at the front of the upper part of the arm, which flexes the forearm

上腕二頭筋, バイセプス

a long flat bone at the center of the chest that connects the ribs and the shoulder girdle


(anatomy) the structure that encloses the inner surface of the eye which consists of the muscle which makes the eye move

毛様体, 毛様体構造

(anatomy) a bone of the shoulder girdle that connects the breastbone to the shoulder bone


(anatomy) the small triangular bone at the end of the spinal column in humans or tailless primates


either of the pair of bones that go across the top of the chest from the base of the neck to the shoulders

鎖骨, 肩鎖骨

(anatomy) a large muscle, triangular in shape that covers the shoulder joint and helps the arm to abduct and rotate

三角筋, デルタ筋

(anatomy) the longest bone in the top part of the human leg between the hip and the knee


(anatomy) (zoology) either half of the jawbone, especially the lower jawbone that helps a vertebrate open and close its mouth

下顎骨, マンドビル

(anatomy) any of the five bones of the foot between the ankle and the toes

中足骨, メタタールシス

(biology) the overall arrangement or the system of muscles in a human or an animal's body

筋肉, 筋肉系

(anatomy) the trapezoidal bone that is at the base and lower back of the cranium, though which the spinal cord passes

後頭骨, オキシピタルボーン

the singular bone located at the front of the skull, forming the forehead and upper eye sockets for structural support and protection


a cranial bone that forms the sides and roof of the skull, offering protection for the brain

頭頂骨, 頭部の側頭骨

a butterfly-shaped bone, contributing to its structure and housing important structures

蝶骨, 蝶のような形の骨

a cranial bone located on the sides and base of the skull, housing the ear structures and contributing to jaw movement

側頭骨, テンポラル(骨)

a facial bone that forms the prominence of the cheek and connects various other facial bones

頬骨, ザイゴマ

a facial bone that contributes to the structure of the cheek and forms part of the eye socket

頬骨, チークボーン

a facial bone that forms the central part of the face, supporting the upper teeth

上顎骨, マキシラ

(anatomy) a small bone triangular in shape that covers and protects the front part of the knee joint


(anatomy) the large round bone structure that the limbs and the spine are joined to, which also protects the abdominal organs

骨盤, ペルビス

(anatomy) any of the four large muscles at the front of the thigh that allow the knee joint to stretch

大腿四頭筋, クワドリセプス

(anatomy) the larger and thicker bone of the human forearm extending from the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist

橈骨, ラジウス

(anatomy) the bony structure in the chest formed by the ribs which protects organs in the thoracic cavity

胸郭, あばら骨

(anatomy) a large bone at the lower part of the spinal column between the two hip bones of the pelvis

仙骨, サクルム

(anatomy) each of the pair of triangular bones that connect the humerus to the clavicle

肩甲骨, スキャプラ

each of the pair of triangular bones that connect the upper arm bone with the collar bone

肩甲骨, スキャプラ

the row of small bones that are joined together down the center of the back of the body

脊椎, 背骨

(anatomy) a ring of muscle that can open or close an opening, such as anus, in the body

括約筋, スフィンクター

(anatomy) a long flat bone at the center of the chest that connects the ribs to the shoulder girdle


the small triangular bone at the end of the spinal column in humans or tailless primates

尾骨, コックス

(anatomy) any of the cluster of seven small bones in the foot between the ankle and upper foot

足根骨, タルサル

(anatomy) the three-headed muscle of the arm that functions as the extensor of the elbow joint

三頭筋, トライセプス

(anatomy) the thinner and longer bone of the human forearm extending from the elbow to the wrist
