Podstawowe Słownictwo do GRE - Towarzystwo Kawiarni
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych ze społeczeństwem, takich jak „stratum”, „ethnicity”, „caste” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu GRE.
a group of people with similar social standing, education, or income

warstwa, warstwa społeczna

the process of cultural exchange and adaptation when individuals or groups from different cultures come into contact, leading to changes in their respective cultural patterns

akulturacja, asimilacja kulturowa

a system where people are treated differently or separated based on their race, ethnicity, or other characteristics


people in the highest class of society who have a lot of power and wealth and usually high ranks and titles


fully aware of the ranking system that distinguishes the general public

świadomy klas, uświadomiony o klasach

relating to a system that is organized based on social ranking or levels of authority

hierarchiczny, hierarchia

the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, and ethnicity

demograficzny, grupa demograficzna

the state of belonging to a certain ethnic group

etniczność, przynależność etniczna

a situation in which one has just enough money or food to survive

egzystencja, przeżycie

a political organization of a group of people with a shared identity that is part of a larger political system itself

organizacja polityczna, polityka

to employ a system that sorts out people in the society based on their race or religion

segregować, oddzielać

a system that divides the people of a society into different social classes based on their wealth, privilage, or profession

kasta, system kastowy

someone who believes that a particular group of people, especially one determined by sex, religion, or race, is better than other groups and should dominate them


the protection that a country grants to someone who has fled their home country because of political reasons

azyl polityczny, wniosek o azyl polityczny

the conflict of interests between different social classes in a society, as mentioned in Marxist ideology

walka klas, konflikt klas

the act of forcing someone out of a country, usually because they do not have the legal right to stay there or because they have broken the law

deportacja, wydalenie

the practice of treating a person or different categories of people less fairly than others


to make someone leave their home by force, particularly because of an unpleasant event

przesiedlać, usuwanie

a small group of people in a society who enjoy a lot of advantages because of their economic, intellectual, etc. superiority


to take away a person or a country's riches to the point of poverty

ubożyć, pozbawiać

related to the social categories such as gender, race, sexuality, or age and the way they can extend over the experiences of an individual belonging to an oppressed population

intersekcjonalny, punkt przecięcia

to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or of secondary or minor importance

marginalizować, bagatelizować

to admit a foreigner as an official citizen in a country

naturalizować, nadać obywatelstwo

the act of enhancing different opportunities for the people who have been treated as inferior due to belonging to a specific social category like race, sex, and etc. in a society

pozytywna dyskryminacja, środki pozytywnej dyskryminacji

a system that allows a limited number of immigrants to officially enter a country annually

system kwotowy, system kontyngentowy

an owner of a house of land in a location where people are exceedingly poor and have really bad living conditions, who demands rents more than one can afford

właściciel slumsu, wynajmujący w slumsach

an awareness of other people's pain and problems who have a bad condition in the society and feeling a sense of duty to take care of them

świadomość społeczna, sumienie społeczne

the fact of having or expressing strong, irrational views and disliking other people with different views or a different way of life

bigoteria, nietolerancja