SAT Natural Sciences - Botany and Gardening
Here you will learn some English words related to botany and gardening, such as "biennial", "mycology", "sepal", etc. that you will need to ace your SATs.
a student of or specialist in the scientific study of plants, their structure, genetics, classification, etc.
a specially formulated mixture of organic and inorganic materials used to grow plants in containers
a sealed or open container for growing and displaying small plants, often used as a decorative piece indoors
to cut off top part or some branches of trees, bushes, or other plants to help them grow faster
to cut and join a piece of a living plant to another plant so that it can continue growing from there
a small group of trees planted closely together, often cultivated for their ornamental value or fruit production
a process in green plants during which the plant synthesizes using water and carbon dioxide
the use of plants to clean up soil, water, and air contaminated with hazardous pollutants
the process by which the reproductive unit of the plants or fungi begins to grow and develop into a new organism
the tendency of plants to grow toward or away from light, influenced by the direction and intensity of light
the primary, central root of a plant that grows vertically downward, typically thicker than other roots, anchoring the plant and absorbing water and nutrients
the outermost part of a flower, typically green and leaf-like in appearance, protecting the flower bud before it opens
a small plant of the daisy family with a yellow flower that turns into a fluffy white ball of seeds
a microscopic pore found on the surface of leaves and stems of plants, involved in gas exchange, including the uptake of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen and water vapor
plants without true roots, leaves, or stems, which grow in or near a body of water, such as seaweeds
the microscopic, photosynthetic organisms found in aquatic environments, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, forming the base of the aquatic food chain
a plant species found underwater in coastal areas of the North Atlantic and other temperate regions worldwide, characterized by long, narrow leaves
a genus of flowering shrubs and small trees known for their clusters of white or pink flowers, followed by berries, commonly found in temperate regions
a small, non-vascular plant that lacks true roots, stems, and leaves, typically forming dense green mats or cushions in damp or shady environments
a plant in the family Euphorbiaceae, known for their diverse forms from succulents to shrubs, typically characterized by milky sap and unique flower structures