
Interakcje - Kpina i ośmieszenie

Opanuj angielskie idiomy dotyczące kpin i szyderstw, takie jak „śmiech” i „wyśmiewanie”.







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English idioms related to Interactions
to make a monkey (out) of somebody

to do something that makes a person appear foolish in front of others

to poke fun at somebody or something

to make fun of a person or thing in order to make them look silly

to take the mick out of somebody

to tease a person by copying what they do, trick them into believing something, etc., often in a way that is not friendly

laughing stock

a person or thing so silly or ridiculous that everyone makes fun of

przedmiot drwin, katastrofa

przedmiot drwin, katastrofa

Google Translate
at one's expense

(particularly of a joke) in a way that causes harm to someone or makes them embarrassed

to make a crack

to offer a humorous or witty comment, often with the aim of ridiculing disrespecting someone or something

to break one's stones

to persistently and relentlessly bother, tease, or annoy someone, often in a playful or mocking manner

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