
Zachowanie i Podejście - Foresight i roztropność

Odkryj, jak angielskie idiomy, takie jak „take stock of” i „a deszczowy dzień”, odnoszą się do przewidywania i ostrożności w języku angielskim.







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English idioms related to Behavior & Approach
ace up one's sleeve

a secret advantage that a person can use when the need arises

to cover one's ass

to save a person from receiving criticism, punishment, blame, etc.

to cover one's back

to take action in order to save a person from being criticized, punished, blamed, etc.

to cut one's losses

to no longer partake in a failing business, activity, etc. to prevent further damage or losses

a rainy day

a time of financial difficulty or a period of challenge

eye on the main chance

a willingness to use any given opportunity or situation to one's advantage

to nip something in the bud

to immediately prevent something, particularly something problematic, before it has time to develop

to stop the rot

to prevent something from developing into something worse

to strike while the iron is hot

to take action while the opportunity exists

to take stock of something

to carefully examine a situation before making a final decision

know which way the wind blow

to realize how a situation is about to develop in order to be able to properly prepare for any potential problems or changes that one might encounter

to think twice

to think about something very carefully before doing it

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