Харчові Інгредієнти - Цибулинні та стеблові овочі
Тут ви дізнаєтесь англійською мовою назви цибулинних і стеблових овочів, наприклад «селера», «часник» і «шалот».
a vegetable with both lettuce-like leaves and a thick stem
цельтус, листкова латук
a long green vegetable with edible stems, used in cooking or eaten raw
a thistle-like plant with edible stalks and leaves, commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine
the knobby edible root of a plant of the celery family that is very scented, eaten as a vegetable
селера коренеплодовий, коренеплід селери
the slender leaves of a plant closely related to the onion, with purple flowers, that is used as a culinary herb
a type of vegetable having a strong smell and spicy flavor that is used in cooking
a plant with feathery leaves and a round thick stem, used as a vegetable or for adding flavor to food
a herbaceous plant with flat, narrow leaves that have a distinct garlic-like flavor
часникова цибуля, чабрець
the edible swollen stem of a plant of the cabbage family, used in cooking or salads
капуста кольрабі
a type of herb that belongs to the Allium family and has a pungent, onion-like flavor
куррат, трава куррат
a plant of the onion family with layers of green leaves and a white stem, used in cooking
a type of cactus commonly used in Mexican cuisine for its edible pads or paddles
нопаль, кактус
a unique variety of asparagus known for its tender stalks and distinct flavor
прусська спаржа
a young onion taken from the ground before the root is formed, with a long green stem, eaten as a vegetable
зелена цибуля, зелені цибулі
a young onion taken from the ground before the root is enlarged, with a long green stem, eaten as a vegetable
зелений лук, цибуля-порей
a type of onion plant producing small clustered mild-flavored bulbs used as seasoning
a perennial plant with long, slender green leaves and a mild onion flavor
валлійський цибулю, лук валійський
a type of wild onion with a distinct garlicky flavor
дикий лук, дикий часник
a young onion taken from the ground before the root is enlarged, with a long green stem, eaten as a vegetable
зелену цибулю, цибуля галужка
a type of onion with a vibrant purple outer skin and a mild, sweet flavor
фіолетова цибуля, пурпурна цибуля
a type of onion with a mild taste and yellowish-brown skin
іспанська цибуля, м'яка іспанська цибуля
a small, round onion used in culinary applications for its mild flavor and pearl-like appearance
перлинна цибуля, цибуля міні
a type of green vegetable that is long and thin and is used in cooking
зелена квасоля
a flat-podded pea variety that is harvested and eaten when both the pod and the peas inside are still young and tender
сніжний горох, сахарний горох
a variety of pea with edible pods that are sweet and crunchy
цукровий горошок, солодкий горошок
a seed growing in long pods on a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable
a dwarf bean with yellow pods
воскова квасоля, карликова квасоля з жовтими стручками
a type of green vegetable that is long and thin and is used in cooking
зелена квасоля, стручкова квасоля
a scarlet bean that grows in green pods on a climbing plant, used in cooking
біб-бігун, біб кармазин