Ingredientes de Alimentos - Verduras de hoja y crucíferas
Aquí aprenderá los nombres de las verduras de hoja y crucíferas en inglés, como "spinach", "broccoli" y "artichoke".
Tarjetas de memoria
a type of vegetable with large green leaves, eaten raw in a salad
dark and wide green leaves of an Asian plant that can be eaten cooked or uncooked
a type of lettuce with crisp leaves that are pale green in color and form a round ball
lechuga iceberg, lechuga repollada
a peppery and leafy green vegetable commonly used in salads and as a garnish
rúcula, arúgula
a leafy vegetable with crisp white stalks and dark green leaves
bok choy, brócoli chino
a vegetable with white or red leaf stalks and large green leaves, used in cooking
a blue-flowered herb of the daisy family, the root of which can be used with coffee and the leaves of which eaten in a salad
a leafy green vegetable with slightly bitter taste, often used in salads or cooked dishes
a variety of chicory that bears dark red leaves
achicoria roja
a type of lettuce with long, crisp leaves and a slightly bitter taste
lechuga romana, romana
a vegetable with white or red leaf stalks and large green leaves, used in cooking
a vegetable with elongated, tightly-packed leaves and a slightly bitter taste
achicoria, endibia
a plant that grows in running water with pungent green leaves that are used in cooking
a variety of leafy vegetables that are commonly used as the base for salads
verduras para ensalada, hojas de ensalada
a large round vegetable with thick white, green or purple leaves, eaten raw or cooked
the flower head of a plant from the cabbage family that is white in color and is eaten as a vegetable
a vegetable with a thick stem and clusters of edible flower buds, typically green in color
brócoli, brécol
a round green vegetable with a cluster of thick green leaves that form a bud, used in cooking
the round flower head of a vegetable with thick green leaves, the heart of which is edible
a root vegetable with a nutty flavor, often used as a substitute for potatoes
alcachofa de Jerusalén, topinambo
a type of cabbage with green or purple curly leaves
col rizada, repollo rizado
the edible swollen stem of a plant of the cabbage family, used in cooking or salads
a leafy green vegetable with white stems and dark green leaves, commonly used in Asian cuisine
bok choy, pak choi
a leafy green vegetable with crinkled leaves and a mild, slightly sweet flavor
col rizada, repollo savoy
any young shoot or newly grown part of a plant that is eaten in salads
brote, retoño
a small round green vegetable from the cabbage family, used in cooking
col de Bruselas, repollito de Bruselas, tallo
a type of elongated vegetable native to Asia, with pale green leaves and thick white stems, used in cooking
repollo chino
a leafy green vegetable with small, rounded leaves and a mild, slightly peppery flavor
berros de agua, berro menor
a common name for the plant species Chenopodium album, known for its edible leaves and seeds
gordita, chenopodio blanco
a leafy green vegetable with small, tender leaves and a mild, nutty flavor
lechuga de cordero, lechuga de borrego
a flowering plant known for its vibrant flowers and soft, velvety leaves
malva, malvavisco
a European plant of the parsley family that grows on seacoast and is sometimes pickled
hinojo marino, perejil de mar
a Eurasian plant of the mustard family that grows near or in the sea, with edible young shoots
col marina
a European plant that is from the dock family, the leaves of which add a sour taste to the food
a flowering plant with fern-like leaves and clusters of small, aromatic flowers
mil hojas, hierba de los herbolarios
cabbage that is chopped, fermented with lactic acid bacteria and preserved in salt water, used for cooking