Comportamiento y Enfoque - Tacto
Domina modismos en inglés relacionados con el tacto, como "dejar que los perros duerman" y "ir por canales".
Tarjetas de memoria
to ignore a situation, topic, issue, etc. so as not to cause troubles or difficulties
no enfrentar algo para evitar problemas
to simultaneously support two opposing parties, particularly to increase one's gain
apoyando a ambos lados opuestos
to take action in order to prevent a probable failure or defeat
used when there is good reasoning behind one's seemingly strange or crazy behavior
Puede haber razones que puedan justificar las acciones de alguien.
to be specially careful, gentle, or considerate when dealing with someone or something
comportarse con consideración
to make good use of the things that are at one's disposal so as to succeed or gain something
actuando inteligentemente
to be wise enough to avoid certain behaviors or thoughts
siendo sabio
to try to achieve the best outcome possible when dealing with a difficult or bad situation
mejorar una situación indeseable
to choose a cautious course of action in a situation where there is uncertainty or potential risk
cuando alguien actúa con cautela
used to tell someone to avoid trouble as much as possible
cuando alguien evita los problemas tanto como sea posible
to follow the accepted or correct path toward reaching one's goal or desired outcome
haciendo lo correcto