Potravinové Ingredience - Cheese
Zde se dozvíte názvy různých druhů sýrů v angličtině, jako je „mozzarella“, „cottage cheese“ a „ricotta“.
a mild processed cheese based on cheddar with a soft texture, usually sliced and wrapped in plastic

americký sýr, zpracovaný americký sýr

any type of cheese containing blue lines or mold

modrý sýr, sýr s modrou plísní

a rich creamy cheese with a soft texture and a white rind that has a strong taste and is originally made in Normandy, France


the outer, edible layer that develops during the aging process of certain cheeses

kůra sýra, obal sýra

a crumbly and tangy cheese originating from the English county of Cheshire

sýr Cheshire, drobený sýr Cheshire

a mild white cheese made with curds of milk which its cream has been taken

tvaroh, sýrová kaše

a type of smooth soft cheese that is made from whole milk and cream

smetanový sýr, krémový sýr

a type of cottage cheese that is low in fat

tvarohový sýr, nízkotučný sýr

a mild semi-firm cheese that is round and wrapped in red wax, originally made in the Netherlands

sýr Edam, Edam (sýr)

a fresh cheese made from cow's milk that has a mild, slightly tangy flavor

farmářský sýr, čerstvý sýr

a Greek cheese taken from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk that is white and has holes in it

feta sýr, feta

a fresh and creamy cheese that is white in color originally made in northern France or southern Belgium

čerstvý sýr

a cheese product made by blending natural cheese with emulsifying salts and other ingredients

tavený sýr, zpracovaný sýr

a type of English cheese with a strong flavor that is made in Leicestershire, usually with blue mold


cheese, usually mozzarella that is formed in tube shape

syr v provázku, tahací sýr

a soft salty cheese with blue mold and a strong flavor

dánský modrý sýr, modrý sýr z Dánska

a yellow semi-hard cheese from Switzerland that has a lot of holes, similar to Gruyère

Emmental, sýr Emmental

a soft creamy cheese with a strong taste and a firm white skin made from cow's milk, originally made in France


a type of soft cheese made from sour milk that is partially cooked, from a Scottish origin

měkký sýr, sýr crowdie

a white cheese made in Greece that is semi-hard and is used in cooking


a white uncured cheese that is used in Indian, Iranian or afghan cuisines


a type of curd cheese made in central Europe that is low in fat

tvaroh, tvarohový sýr

a French blue cheese made from sheep's milk and ripened in limestone caves that has a strong taste


cheese that has been shredded or grated into small pieces using a grater or other similar tool

strouhaný sýr, nastrouhaný sýr

a white American cheese with a mild taste, made from whole milk

sýr Jack, americký sýr Jack

a pungent and creamy cheese made from cow's milk, known for its strong aroma

limburger, sýr limburger

a mild semi-soft cheese that is white in color and is unsalted, used in Italian cuisine


a whitish cheese with a hard texture that is grated and used in Italian cuisine
